Approximate Algorithms

Algorithm documents steps to be followed in the sequence in order to accomplish a goal. Be it adding two numbers or controlling a satellite involves algorithms. Much of the power for modern day gadgets comes because much of the work can be expressed as algorithms and gadgets can built-in with algorithms. For instance, in a mobile or a cell, the alarm feature is implemented using a simple algorithm which compares current time with alarm set time and beeps when they become same. Most of our day to day tasks can be expressed in terms of definite steps, there by be converted into algorithms. For instance, withdrawing money in an ATM involves a definite set of actions. However, there are some situations and challenges in which a definite answers can not be possible. Technically such situations are called NP-Complete. Approximate algorithms are used in those context. An algorithm returning a near-optimal solution is called approximate algorithm. This technique does not guarantee the best solution. The goal of an approximation algorithm is to come as close as possible to the optimum value in a reasonable amount of time which is at most polynomial time. To know more about them, see the followings

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